Welcome to my personal place on the net for posting my daily, sharing my thoughts, and ideas. My name is Vivian, I'm 13 year-young and I live in Miri, Malaysia with my
family. I'm super friendly and I talk way too much for my own good. Btw, I love hanging out with my besties so our friendship could last long. Lastly, I love to design with my photos and writing diary while I am listening to music. It could makes me relax my mind and change my perception in life.
Celebrating Christmas 2012 Posted by Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:48 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Merry Christmas everyone! May all your wishes come true. Christmas Eve - Celebrating Christmas with family. At Merits Hotel. *o* My dad asked me to call my friends to join us, since we're going to swim later. So, I invite my 'gang' (we call ourselves Lancelot Sisters, aha). Sadly, only Genevie could join us. *sobsob*
The room. There's more parts of the room I didn't took. After putting our stuffs, we went to the pool, but too bad it's closed. So we(Genevie, my brother and me) went to Parkson.
Caramel Fresh Milk and Cheese Pretzel.
Dinner at Pizza Hut. Mushroom soup with cheese powder, 2 different types of cheese on the pizza. Wew, OVERCHEESE. Aha.
Our view from the room (left)
Our view from the room (Right)
Still early, so we planned to go to the Sky Garden.
The view from Sky Garden. :D
The 7th Floor.
We wanted to watch CZ12 (Chinese Zodiac) a Jackie Chan's film. :D So we went to Merdeka Mall. THAT MOVIE IS HELLA FUNNY *thumbs up* 11:45PM-2AM Doesn't feel sleepy while watching it AT ALL.
Everyone was counting down for Christmas, while we're...watching movie. :p
CHRISTMAS!! 2AM something-
Enjoyed Slurpee. Genevie-Bro-Mine.
My bro and I ate each slice and still left 2 slices, dangg, we're so full.
Yuh don't say?! xD
Wearing the bath robe while taking photos and playing at the bathroom. xD
Soaking our legs into hot water at the bath tub O.O
Listening 'Under The Mistletoe' :D
Went to bed at 4 AM.
I woke up at 10AM. My parents went out, Genevie and my brother are still sleeping like a pig. I shook both of them to wake up, I opened all the lights, shouting "WAKE UPPPP!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" Still sleeping .-.
I went to brush my teeth and washed my face. When I went out from the bathroom, I saw Genevie woke up. I said "Merry Christmas" to her. xD
We prepared everything to the pool. I took a tissue and a pen, I wrote "We're swimming. -Vi,Va,Ge-" on it and put at a table, so my parents will know that we're going to swim. Muahahha.
I accidentally hurted myself :O I didn't realized it's bleeding until I looked at it.
Went to Parkson, Sugar Bun for lunch.
I think that's how my christmas went by? Okay that's all for now.
Celebrating Christmas 2012 Posted by Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:48 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Merry Christmas everyone! May all your wishes come true. Christmas Eve - Celebrating Christmas with family. At Merits Hotel. *o* My dad asked me to call my friends to join us, since we're going to swim later. So, I invite my 'gang' (we call ourselves Lancelot Sisters, aha). Sadly, only Genevie could join us. *sobsob*
The room. There's more parts of the room I didn't took. After putting our stuffs, we went to the pool, but too bad it's closed. So we(Genevie, my brother and me) went to Parkson.
Caramel Fresh Milk and Cheese Pretzel.
Dinner at Pizza Hut. Mushroom soup with cheese powder, 2 different types of cheese on the pizza. Wew, OVERCHEESE. Aha.
Our view from the room (left)
Our view from the room (Right)
Still early, so we planned to go to the Sky Garden.
The view from Sky Garden. :D
The 7th Floor.
We wanted to watch CZ12 (Chinese Zodiac) a Jackie Chan's film. :D So we went to Merdeka Mall. THAT MOVIE IS HELLA FUNNY *thumbs up* 11:45PM-2AM Doesn't feel sleepy while watching it AT ALL.
Everyone was counting down for Christmas, while we're...watching movie. :p
CHRISTMAS!! 2AM something-
Enjoyed Slurpee. Genevie-Bro-Mine.
My bro and I ate each slice and still left 2 slices, dangg, we're so full.
Yuh don't say?! xD
Wearing the bath robe while taking photos and playing at the bathroom. xD
Soaking our legs into hot water at the bath tub O.O
Listening 'Under The Mistletoe' :D
Went to bed at 4 AM.
I woke up at 10AM. My parents went out, Genevie and my brother are still sleeping like a pig. I shook both of them to wake up, I opened all the lights, shouting "WAKE UPPPP!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" Still sleeping .-.
I went to brush my teeth and washed my face. When I went out from the bathroom, I saw Genevie woke up. I said "Merry Christmas" to her. xD
We prepared everything to the pool. I took a tissue and a pen, I wrote "We're swimming. -Vi,Va,Ge-" on it and put at a table, so my parents will know that we're going to swim. Muahahha.
I accidentally hurted myself :O I didn't realized it's bleeding until I looked at it.
Went to Parkson, Sugar Bun for lunch.
I think that's how my christmas went by? Okay that's all for now.
About The Author
Name: Vivian Amber Ho. Age: 13 years-young. Birth date: 16 January 2000. Nationality: Malaysia. Horoscope Sign:Capricorn. Current in: Somewhere over the rainbow. Personality: Shy, Quiet, Funny, Friendly, Bubbly. Current hairstyle: Fringe with naturally straight hair. Fashion style: Hippie. Playing Instrument: Violin and Recorder. Lefty or Righty : Righty. :) Status : Single and not ah-vai-la-ble. Teehee.
1. Food: Pizza, Yogurt, Spaghetti Bolognese, Fruits and more.
2.Drink: Starbucks, Watermelon Milk Tea, Fruit Juice, Hot chocolate and more.
3. Fruits: Mangoes, Strawberries, Apples, Banana, Grapes, ALL except durians.
4. Deserts: Salad, Mash Potato, Ice-Cream, Smoothies, Sago, Cendol and more.
5. Actors: Johnny Depp, Jackie Chan, Chandler Canterbury, more.
6. Actresses: Angelina Jolie, Selena Gomez, Kristen Stewart, more.
7. Movies: NeverSayNever, Aquamarine, Step Up and more.
8. TV Show: Jane by Design, Awkward, iCarly, Victorious and more.
9. Countries: London, Paris, New York, Canada, Japan and more
10.Colors: Pastel, Neon colours, RAINBOW!
11. Books:Dork diaries, Poison/Rotten Apple's, TSGS and more.
12. Animals: Penguins, Puppies & Dolphins.
1. Hollister
2. Forever 21
3. Roxy
1. Taking photos
2. Hanging out with besties and family
3. Watching movies
4. Cute stuffs
5. Textings
6. Chocolates
7. English novel (teenager)
8. Animals
9. Music
10. Desserts
11. Skittles
12. Holidays
13. Beach
14. Online
15. Samsung Galaxy's
16. Instagram
17. Purple Galaxy
18. Fixie
19. Eiffel Tower
20. British - flag, accent, boys
1k followers on instagram 1.5k followers on instagram A trip to any foreign country A trip with my unbiological sisters Buy myself cosmetics for the first time (bb cream,concealer,lip balm) since imma teenager already. Bahaha. Do 100 silly stuffs with my unbiological sisters Followed by Justin Bieber on twitter Followed by Cody Simpson on twitter (6th nov 2011) Get braces Get iPhone5/5s Get Starbucks tumbler as a gift Give gifts to strangers on Christmas for fun Meet Justin Bieber Own any Apple products (iPad II | 2012) Own a bedroom Shopping spree over RM1000 for myself Try Excapade @ Brunei. (Everyone says it's yummy)
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Tell me if you want me to tag you. :D
1) I own more shirts than pants. (obviously xD)
2) English is my favourite subject in school.
3) Belieber all the way!
4) I'm darkish brown-eyed.
5) I have black hairs.
6) I'm so short , currently 151cm ONLY.
7) I dislike people calling my full name.
8) I love horror movies. :3
9) I own Xperia Go.
10) I want iPhone5.
11) I dreamt about Justin Bieber more than 5 times.
12) I love my life, kinda.
13) I hate Chinese , but I love learning Chinese. Ngehehe.
14) I once grounded for not using my phone because I spent RM200-RM300+ for texting & calling. (That was before even apps like WeChat/Whatsapp exist D:)
15) I'm pretty shy to start a conversation with boys.
16) I know Justin Bieber since December 2009.
17) I'll open Facebook first, whenever I started online. :p
18) I wear my spectacles all the time, I only took it off when necessary.
19) My first pet dog was GG, a poodle(imissher D;)
20)I delete my whole password when I type a single letter wrong.
21) I don't like it when people watching me writing post.
22) I dreamt about One Direction once.
23) My currently pet I'm petting is Vico, not sure what's the breed but I know he's a mix breeds.
24) Growing up favourite food was pizza.
25)I'm a shy and quiet type of girl, I always lost my opportunities.
26)I played violin and recoder for 2 years. Now, I don't even remember the notes.
27)I'm underweight for 151cm, currently 40kg. Some people still think that's fat. :o
28)I prefer curly hair than straight hair.
29) I love being alone at home, I'm free, I can cook for myself, dancing, singing out loud, do anything I want.
30) I have a huge crush on Justin Bieber and not the type of fan-girling Belieber.
31) I wish I had Milk Tea Brown or Beige color hair.
32) I haven't had my first kiss.
33) I have a pink hair brush.
34) I can't sleep without a blanket covering me.
35) I get cold easily and take times to make me sweat.
36) I'm a half Chinese, half Berawan.
37) I have a younger brother called Vanness who is 11 (2013).
38) I don't know how to cycle, since I never own a bike.
39) I love milks, especially when it's fresh & cold.
40) I love yogurt.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. If you want exchange links, tell me at tagboard. ;)
3. I tag random peeps I know to complete my incomplete affiliates lists. xD
Site name: Girlish Diary Site link: http://vivianxlurvez.blogspot.com/ Site opened: 27/ March/ 2010 (The Newest)
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I started to blogging when 2010. I write about my life in this blog. I am not good at doing blog layout becos I dont know very much about codes. so my layout might not very nice .
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